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Department Staff

Deidre Meyer
Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment
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CIA Monthly Newsletter

Chris Jones
District Data Manager
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Curriculum and Instruction

We are highly focused on 21st century academics. At FCSD #1, we offer a wide selection of curricular options for students, including high ability programming, Advanced Placement courses, dual/college credit courses, music, fine and performing arts, career and technical education courses, and world languages.

Parent Request for Educator Qualifications

Federal law requires the district to notify parents of the following:

  1. The right to request information about the qualifications of their child's teacher to include state license status with approved subject areas, emergency/provisional status, and field of discipline along with information about qualifications for paraprofessionals who are providing services to their child.

  2. When their child has been taught four or more weeks by a teacher who is not meeting applicable state licensing requirements.

  3. Annual notification to parents of EL students if a teacher has recommended their child for a language instruction program and the parent's right to opt out of the program.

If you would like information regarding any of these indicators, please contact the district office at (307) 332-4711. Your child’s teacher is dedicated to the success of every child in the class. We thank you for your continued support of your child’s education and encourage you to communicate with his or her teacher on a regular basis so that together we can provide your child with the best education possible.

Professional Development

Our robust professional development provides opportunities for relevant initiative-driven PD. Staff are able to maintain certification by taking advantage of provided opportunities.

FCSD #1 pays our new teachers to attend three pre-service days. These days include introduction to the district, work with instructional facilitators in each building, and time with the building principals. Additionally, our instructional facilitators and curriculum director implement a three-year mentoring program for support and retention. Our robust professional development provides opportunities for relevant initiative-driven PD. Staff are able to maintain certification by taking advantage of provided opportunities.

School-Wide Annual Reviews

Title I of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is designed to help disadvantaged children meet challenging content and student performance standards. Part A of Title I provides financial assistance through State Educational Agencies (SEAs) to Local Education Agencies (LEAs). Funds are distributed to LEA schools with high numbers of children from low-income families, for LEA programs which target individual students most at risk of not meeting the standards, and to local institutions for neglected or delinquent children. Schoolwide program’s three core elements: (1) comprehensive needs assessment based on data for all students in the school; (2) Schoolwide Program Plan Template based on the assessment, and (3) an evaluation (annual review) to determine whether the plan worked and needed improvements.

Gannett Peak Elementary

Baldwin Creek Elementary

Lander Middle School

Pathfinder High School

Lander Valley High School is a Targeted Title I School; therefore, Title I, Part A funds provide services to eligible students identified as having the greatest need for special assistance because they are failing or are at risk of failing to meet state academic standards.